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​Free Up Your Time to Focus on Your Core Business

We're here to help your business work smarter, not harder.

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Our automation simplifies your daily work, boosts efficiency, and helps your business grow. No more wasting time on routine, frustrating tasks instead focus on doing what you love.

Our Journey to Through Solutions

We are digital innovators with a strategic mindset.

At Through Solutions, we are passionate about driving innovation through the latest technologies. Our mission to become experts in AI solutions is to make a tangible difference by not only pushing the edge of tech innovation but also deliver real, positive outcomes.

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What We Offer

We understand the challenges faced by small business owners. Our AI-generated automation services are designed to make your life easier and help you focus on growth and what you truly love to do.


We have tailor made packages that tackle the challenges businesses like yours face. You can also choose multiple packages and receive discount.


What is AI automation? Read here.

Content Flow

Automate your entire content process, from generating blog ideas to posting on social media and sending newsletters. Save time and maintain a consistent online presence.

Inbox Whisperer

Manage your emails effortlessly. Automatically monitor, collect, and draft responses, ensuring timely and professional communication.

Zoom Records

Transcribe and summarise all your Zoom meetings automatically. Provide team members or clients with the meetings notes.

Customer Care

Provide exceptional customer service with automated email and WhatsApp responses. Handle customer inquiries quickly and efficiently.

Administrative Tasks

Automate routine administrative tasks, like expenses tracking, freeing up your time to focus on growing your business.


Gain insights into your website and social media performance. Automated analytics help you understand trends and make informed decisions.

Why Choose Us?


High-quality solutions at a price YOU can afford.


Designed specifically for the challenges of your business.


Professional implementation ensures everything runs smoothly.


Save time and money on routine tasks, giving you more time to focus on growing your business.

Cases of Automation

Coach Online Course

An astrology coach ran a 6-week course and used AI automation to make life easier. We handled invoices, surveys, thank you emails, course access, and calendar bookings after Stripe payments. We also transcribed Zoom meetings, summarised them, and emailed copies to customers. Weekly check-in emails were automated too.

Online Store Content Flow

An online shop wanted to repurpose content for different social media channels. Our AI automation took a Facebook post, used ChatGPT to tailor it to match each audience for Instagram, Pinterest, and newsletters, and then automatically posted it on each platform.

Realtor Lead Follow-up

A realtor firm improved its lead follow-up strategy with AI automation. We collected lead data in Google Sheets, sent thank you emails, and notified the team via Slack. ChatGPT summarised lead details and suggested focus points for calls, which were collected in Hubspot and emailed to the team.

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How it works

The Road to Success


Choose a package or book a strategy call

We have packages designed to simplify your business tasks that you can choose from. If you would like to identify opportunities tailored specifically to meet your needs, you can book a 30 min free online strategy call.


Strategy Proposal

If we've had a strategy call we’ll develop your tailored strategy that aligns with your vision, and helps you reach your business goals and streamlines your operations.


Design & Integration

After you've bought a package or once you're on board, we’ll immediately start working on integrating your automation to enhance business operations and free up more time for you.


Support & Optimisation

After completion we will continue to provide ongoing support and optimisation for sustained business impact.

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Get Started and focus on growing your business

Book a free 30 min online strategy call to explore automation solutions for your business.

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