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Our Story

We are here to help small business owners and creative solo entrepreneurs like yourself make the most of AI automation. We simplify your work so you can focus on what really matters—growing your business.


With our strategic thinking and digital know-how, we craft personalised automations to streamline your workflows and boost efficiency. Our mission is to help you thrive in the digital age by increasing revenue and reducing costs. Let us handle the tech, so you can shine in your core activities.

Incase you were wondering, what is AI automation?

AI automation creates smart workflows that run automatically. They can be triggered at specific times or by an event like receiving a new lead or email.


You can connect thousands of apps in various ways to handle countless tasks, customised for your business.

Our Team

Michaela Hudig Co-Founder and Digital Consultant of Through Solutions AI Automation Agency

Michaela Hudig

Co-Founder & Digital Consultant

Michaela is the visionair with a strong background in Digital Marketing, business strategy, and entrepreneurship. After experimenting and using AI in her own workflows and businesses, and seeing the amazing results, she is committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that drive tangible results for our clients.

Matthew Corbet Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Through Solutions AI Automation Agency

Matthew Corbet

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer

With a vast knowledge and experience in game development, IT, and AI tools & solutions, Matthew leads our technical team in integrating AI-driven solutions to address complex business challenges.

Through Solutions AI Automation Agency Chief Happiness Officers Meadow and Riley, two dogs

Meadow & Riley

Chief Happiness Officers

Meadow & Riley bring joy and cuddles into the office. Making sure that our focused and dedicated work is well balanced with exercise and play time. 

Get started with a
30 min strategy call

This is a free 30-minute online meeting + consultation, where we'll discuss all the possibilities and walk you through the options, no strings attached. Booking a strategy call is suitable for SMB's (small, medium businesses).

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